*   Since they _are_ different, depending of the 'Ignore format', why would 
one expect to behave the same? That does of course not mean, that there are no 
errors in the code.

That is reasonable.

  *   If you check "Ignore format", the searching is done on text which would 
be exported as normal text. The other case is searching on text which would be 
suitable as input for latex.

This explanation is not very clear. In a text document, I checked “Ignore 
format”, and when searching, LyX found none of the expressions I searched for 
[replace $p$ by $\mathfrak{p}$]. When I unchecked “Ignore format”, LyX worked 
as expected.

[Still, it is not clear what is meant by “format”.]

Next, I tested this on a much longer document (close to 700 pages). With 
unchecking “Ignore format” and searching for $\cal{M}$, LyX skipped this LaTeX 
code in a table at the beginning of the document (a “nomenclature” table), but 
found this code in a paragraph in the middle of the document – and also found 
several subsequent occurrences.

Finally, I searched for the same LaTeX string [$\cal{M}$], but this time with 
*checked* “Ignore format”. Contrary to in the test document (searching for 
$p$), this time, LyX found at least one occurrence – but not the first one 
found with unchecked “Ignore format”.
To summarize:

  *   Searching for $\cal{M}$ in *math*, and with unchecked “Ignore format” did 
not find occurrences in table cells, but hopefully found occurrences in text 
  *   With checked “Ignore format”, LyX sometimes found LaTeX math code, and 
sometimes not.


Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

From: Kornel Benko<mailto:kor...@lyx.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2018 14:17
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org<mailto:lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Subject: Re: LyX -- search & replace in math

Am Samstag, 27. Oktober 2018 11:08:48 CEST schrieb Bernt Lie <bernt....@usn.no>:
> ...also... finds different symbols depending on whether I check "Ignore 
> format" or not...
> This makes me doubht whether I can trust the search-replace functionality in 
> my 600+ page lecture notes...

Since they _are_ different, depending of the 'Ignore format', why would one 
to behave the same?
That does of course not mean, that there are no errors in the code.

If you check "Ignore format", the searching is done on text which would be 
exported as
normal text.
The other case is searching on text which would be suitable as input for latex.


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