On 10/30/18 11:50 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
I have an 82-line text file which has 5 columns separated by pipes. '|',
and a wide column with location names. Text file format examples:

 10775    | Santiam R. at Jefferson Bridge                                  | 1979-11-06 | 2011-01-06 |    67  10386    | Middle Fork Willamette R. at asper Bridge                       | 1979-11-06 | 2011-01-05 |    66  29043    | Willamette R. at Willamette Park boat ramp/Corvallis            | 2002-10-02 | 2011-01-06 |    60  26339    | Willamette R. upstream of Newberg Bridge at Rogers Landing      | 2002-10-01 | 2011-01-13 |    59  10344    | Willamette R. at Wheatland Ferry                                | 1980-02-07 | 2011-01-10 |    58  29044    | Willamette R. at Greenway bike bridge/Eugene                    | 2002-10-02 | 2011-01-04 |    52  10379    | Coast Fork Willamette R. at Hwy 58                              | 1979-11-06 | 2011-01-05 |    50  10821    | Willamette R. at St. Johns Bridge                               | 2004-08-04 | 2011-01-11 |    48  10355    | Willamette R. at Hwy 99E (Harrisburg)                           | 1980-02-06 | 2011-01-04 |    46  31731    | Willamette R. at Wallace Marine Park boat ramp                  | 2005-05-31 | 2011-01-10 |    44  27986    | Middle Fork Willamette R above Hills Crk at USGS Gage 14144800  | 2002-10-03 | 2011-01-05 |    44

(N.B. Line length is 110 characters so it likely will be wrapped at
different lengths, depending on which MUA you use.)

  In LyX this will be a long table in landscape orientation among pages in
portrait orientation.

  What is the most efficient procedure to import this to a 5-column, 83-row table? And, can I define the table size without dragging the table icon off
the bottom of the monitor?


With apologies to Groucho Marx, I'll answer the second question first: Insert > Table gives you a dialog where you can type in the dimensions.

As to the import part, I don't know if this is most efficient, but I would do the following:

1. Open the text file in a text editor.
2. Globally replace | with \t (tab character).
3. Select all and copy to the clipboard.
4. Put the cursor in the first cell of the LyX table and do Edit >
   Paste Special Selection.


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