Michael Berger wrote:

> How about this one!?
> Michael Berger
> On 02.01.19 20:10, Léo Rebetez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new on lyx, I'll use it mainly for publishing books. I'm searching
>> how to break a too long url like this one:
>> http://www.guardian.co.ukuk2012jun12policestopandsearchblackpeople
>> I wrote it in my preamble:
>> \hyphenpenalty=10000
>> \tolerance=1000
>> \emergencystretch=10mm
>> \righthyphenmin=4
>> \lefthyphenmin=4
>> \usepackage[ec]{aeguill}
>> \widowpenalty=10000
>> \clubpenalty=10000
>> \usepackage{hyperref}
>> \usepackage[anythingbreaks]{breakurl}
>> \hypersetup{breaklinks=true}
>> \urlstyle{same}
>> \usepackage{cite}
>> I found nothing giving me an understandable way to solve this problem,
>> maybe somebody can help me??
>> Thanks a lot,
>> léo, CH
I also found this thread:

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