On 2019-01-28, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:

>> On Jan 27, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Paul A. Rubin <parubi...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> On 1/27/19 7:09 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:

>>> Am I correct in thinking that the Times Roman font has no bold lower
>>> case Greek characters?

You can get a rich choice of mathematical symbols/characters matching
Times Roman (including bold Greek letters) with the selection "Times
Roman (New TX)" in Document>Settings>Fonts>Maths.

For text, you can use the Times lookalike "Artemisia" from the Greek Font
Societey, e.g. via http://ctan.org/pkg/substitutefont
with the following preamble code

% Serif
% Sans
% \substitutefont{LGR}{\sfdefault}{neohellenic}
% Monospaced
\substitutefont{LGR}{\ttdefault}{cmtt}  % CB fonts


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