On Tuesday 24 April 2001 11:36 am, Laurent DUVAL wrote:
> *I'm not able to get \AA to work in math mode (works fine in normal mode)
> *No error - it just display nothing in the DVI.
> Write  \textrm{ in the math mode, then \AA between the brackets.
> Works here.

okay so that worked very nicely for a minute - then i saved the file and 
tried to re-open it.

Unfortunately lyx comes up with
Line ~116: Math parse error: Expected {.  Maybe you forgot to enclose an 
argument in {}
Line ~116: Math parse error: Unmatching braces
 Math Panic, expect problems!

(that is re-typed so any typos are mine)

so I started munging about in the relevant section now it consistenly saves 
as this

\begin_inset Formula \( \Delta vol=\frac{4\pi }{3}abs\left( 
r_{pH2}-r_{pH7}\right) ^{3}=\frac{4\pi }{3}\left( 17.87\textrm{ }\AA 
-16.03\textrm{ }\AA \textrm{ }\right) ^{3}=\frac{4\pi }{3}*6.263\textrm{ }\AA 
\textrm{ }^{3}=26.24\textrm{ }\AA \textrm{ }^{3} \)

yes those \AAs were inside the {} before 
and there was only one \textrm section per \AA 
If I fix this in a text editor to

\begin_inset Formula \( \Delta vol=\frac{4\pi }{3}abs\left( 
r_{pH2}-r_{pH7}\right) ^{3}=\frac{4\pi }{3}\left( 17.87\textrm{ \AA 
}-16.03\textrm{ \AA }\right) ^{3}=\frac{4\pi }{3}*6.263\textrm{ \AA 
}^{3}=26.24\textrm{ \AA }^{3} \)

it just reverts back with the next save (and no angstrom symbols are 
displayed in dvi viewer (just spaces)

To re-interate 
I can create a formula containging angstrom symbols which look fine in a dvi 
viewer until i close and re-open the file.  
After this happens I get the error mentioned above 
In trying to correct the error i lose the angstrom symbols and something 
funny happens when lyx saves the \textrm sections

does \AA not count as an argument?

thanks for any suggestions for how to resolve this issue.


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