On 13.03.19 08:43, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 12.03.19 10:09, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Dienstag, den 12.03.2019, 09:30 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I have (in a A5 book, Koma script) an image in a float figure which
too large to allow the legend underneath. It has furthermore to be
presented side wise. Is there a way to have the legend on the
or next page -and preferentially not side-wise?
Here are some possibilities:



Thanks, Jürgen for this valuable link re Legend separate from image


I put this in my preamble

%for large figures, Legend separate


and at the begin of the float figure in the document

\begin{FPfigure} in ERT

and at the end of the float figure in the document

\bend{FPfigure} in ERT

but get this error:

! LaTeX Error: File `fltpage.sty' not found.

I therefore tried on a terminal

sudo latex fltpage.sty

and got

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (preloaded format=latex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode ! I can't find file `fltpage.sty'

1- How do I get fltpage.sty?

2- Do I have to put the whole figure into ERT or is it sufficient, as I did, to put

at the begin of the float figure in the document

\begin{FPfigure} in ERT

and at the end of the float figure in the document

\end{FPfigure} in ERT



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