Am Freitag, 5. April 2019, 12:24:42 CEST schrieb Dr Eberhard Lisse:
> Hi,
> I am conducting a serious love affair with the Noto fonts which we can
> now select in the LyX Settings -> Fonts dialog.
> Sometimes I want to have the document a little ticker than regular which
> I would normally do in the Preamble with something like
> \makeatletter
>       \if@landscape
>               \usepackage[medium]{noto}
>       \else
>               \usepackage{noto}
> \makeatother
> This works but defeats the purpose and my sporting ambition.
> I tried
>       \PassOptionsToPackage{thin}{noto}
> which doesn't work, because this would have to come before the
> \begin{document}, anyway.
> Any ideas?  If it's in the manual a pointer would be appreciated.
> And I unashamedly do not apologize for crossposting :-)-O
> greetings, el

This is possible (and easy), but makes problems converting to actual settings.


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