On 4/13/19 11:59 AM, Dr Paul Verschueren wrote:

Dear all –

Using LyX Version 2.3.2-1 (14 December 2018) under Win10, I am experiencing the problem described below with seemingly greater regularity.

I’m guessing the atomicity of the Lyx save/rename operation is being broken by a locking operation by Dropbox.

Does anyone know more?

The problem is intermittent and takes the form of a write failure on saving:


When I press OK, I get:


On pressing Retry, the document is saved.

Since it takes only a couple of clicks to complete the save operation, I have been living with this for a while, but it is getting irritating especially as the frequency appears to be increasing. Any suggestions (other than don’t use Dropbox!) gratefully received.


This is a known issue, and it seems to be due to a combination of how Dropbox syncs files (locking the file during sync) and how Windows handles files. There's a ticket for it (#10091) <https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/10091> with a lengthy commentary. I routinely edit .lyx files on Dropbox with no problem (on Linux Mint), so it's apparently not just a Dropbox sync issue.

Currently there seems to be no fix. If you're going to be editing a file on Dropbox and doing frequent saves along the way, it might be worth pausing synchronization by Dropbox during the edit and then resuming sync after the final save. On Mint, I can pause/resume sync by right-clicking the Dropbox icon in the system tray and clicking a menu item; hopefully it's comparably easy on Windows.


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