Hello LyX Users,

        Using LyX Version 2.3.2 - Debian Buster [testing] and FVWM

So this might be a feature that has yet to be included again, or not,
so just curious.

When using LyX previously when "Crtl + S"  or "Ctrl + Shift + S" to
save a file was invoked. It supplied, on the toolbar across the top of
the window that popped up, a small box that said "Template".

That doesn't appear any more. I am unable to find how I might place it
back by looking through "Preferences". Cannot identify what I must
enable to return it to that place.

So thought I may get a hint here. Maybe it has been removed forever. To
know that would also be helpful. Allowing me to cease looking for it
whenever a new thought in the attempt to find it occurs.

        Registered Linux User:- 329524

        "Come to the edge", he said. They said.."We are afraid". "Come
        to the edge", he said. They came, he pushed them .... And they
        flew. ---Guillaume Apollinaire


        Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed.


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