How is it possible to have 3 working versions of LyX/MikTex on three
different computers (all Windows) and have them all break within a couple
of weeks without doing anything (except allowing Windows Updates)?

I have been receiving errors after latest windows updates on 3 different
machines all were running successfully LyX and MikTex and stopped working
out of the blue with the following type errors:

The process latex icon bottom right just spins for minutes then:

LyX: Stop command?

The command pdflatex "test.txt" has not completed.

Do you want to stop it?

Stop it Let it run

If Let it run:

Does not matter which it will still fail either way.

LyX: LaTeX failed:

The external program


finished with an error. It is recommended you fix the cause of the external
program's error (check the logs)

And right about now I certainly wish LyX would make the error text boxes
where the text can be copied an pasted into an email.... sigh.

I currently upgraded to latest Lyx and MikTex and performed the typical LyX
-> Reconfigure and restart Lyx only to still find Unavailable: Article
(Standard Class) and still above errors as though LyX cannot find MikTex
even though Tools->TeX Information finds .cls files in the MikTex 2.9
directory in Program Files (x86)


LyX Version 2.3.3

(Monday, June 10, 2019)

Library directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.3\Resources\

User directory: ~\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.3\

Qt Version (run-time): 5.11.3

Qt Version (compile-time): 5.11.3

Anyone else experience this?
It is super-awesome!

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