On 8/10/19 1:42 PM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> I have just tested LyXHTML with a complex document (lots of childs, cross-
> references, listings, etc) and found that the result is fairly good.
> However, all the files that were generated were stored in the same directory 
> as the sources.
> Is there a way to configure LyXHTML to change the following:
> 1. Write the files in another directory.

Hmm. Let me check on that.

> 2. Color of the items in TOC.  They are black by default.  Can I change the 
> color?

All of that is handled by CSS, which is generated along with the files.
You can customize that as you wish after export. Alternatively, you can
modify the code in stdinsets.inc that generates the CSS, either in a
module or in Local Layout or whatever.

> 3. Using the "Fancy Colored Boxes" module.  I inserted a Custom Color Box in 
> the master document and the configuration of said custom box was rendered at 
> the top of the xhtlm page.  That configuration should not have been printed.

It does not look as if that module has any HTML defined in it. That is
probably part of the problem, but if you can post an example file I can
try to see if something else is wrong.

> 4. Also using the "Custom Header/Footerlines" module.  The field titles: 
> "Left 
> Header:", "Right Footer:", etc, were also included in the xhtml.  They should 
> be invisible.

Again, no HTML is defined in that module, so LyX is using some default,
which is basically to print exactly what you'd see in LyX itself. Note
that that is very much a LaTeX module, and not one that really makes a
lot of sense with HTML anyway. So you might put it in a branch which you
turn off for HTML export.


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