On 9/4/19 6:09 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2019-09-03, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> ...
>> Thanks, John, but there seems to be a bigger problem which I am  
>> facing. I can't open an usb stick, tells me, that it can't be invoked  
>> (kann nicht eingebunden werden in German). Trying to start Jabref it  
>> tells me 'read only file system', lyx disk: error as before: LyX could  
>> not create the temporary directory '/tmp/lyx_tmpbuf1' (Disk is full  
>> maybe?).
>> df tells me there is enough storage on the disk. Firefox tells me if I  
>> want to send a mail: Unable to save your message as a draft. Sending  
>> of the message failed.
>> Fortunately webmail works.
> This looks like some IO-failure triggered a mounting of the main disk as
> read-only.

Most of that looks like /tmp/ issues. That may be the main disk or a
separate partition. But one way or another, it's some major disk problem.

Wolfgang, looking at the output of "mount" will tell you what the issue
might be. I have:

/dev/sda7 on /tmp type ext4 (rw,noexec,noatime)
/dev/sda2 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime)

Note how both show "rw". I am guessing you will see "ro" somewhere.


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