I am using Lyx 2.3.2  on Debian 10.
Apologies if my difficulties do  not occur on Lyx 2.3.3.

In my Lyx document I have two Indexes.
For each I want a short-cut key for adding entries to each Index.
For the standard Index I successfully mapped F12 to insert-index.

However, Haven't been able to map  F10 to my "Notation" index.

The LFuns file entry for index-insert is:

Action      Inserts Index entry.
Notion      It automatically takes the word on the cursor position.
Syntax     index-insert [<TYPE:Name>]
Params    <TYPE:Name>: name of the index,  if multiple indices are defined.
               With an empty argument, the default index is selected.
Origin       leeming, 3 Aug 2000

Reading the documentation I could not figure out what  [<TYPE:Name>] meant.
I tried:
    index-insert  Notation
    index-insert  Notation:Notation                         "this is
the attempt I expected to work"
    index-insert  <Notation:Notation>

All three were accepted but when I type  F10  I get:
 Idx (unknown type!)

What have I done wrong?

Wish List Note: while I want my  F12  key mapping to apply to all my Lyx
documents (which is what happens), I wanted  F10  to be specific to
this document.
It would be nice if I could create my own .bind file and in my document settings
(or somewhere) be able to select for my own .bind file to be used.
If this functionality exists somewhere
in Lyx I couldn't find it.

Thanks for you interest in my post.

Ralph Boland

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