On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 12:28:57 -0400 wrote Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I do not want quarrel with you about such a triviality, but what 
> I mean is, that by embedding Python you would allow us, 
> non-programmers, to help you a send you beautiful :-) programmes 
> for everything WE need (not what you think we need, which may be 
> sometimes different).

I strongly agree with Matej:

An extension language would e.g. make it easier to create interfaces to
other programs - say a function that formats output to be understood by a
computer algebra program and pushs it to the lyx-pipe + a lot of other
usefull functions.

Emacs (and also my favourite editor Jed) would not be what they are now
without the many user contributed scripts. 

It is a really nice way to automate things too (just remember the recent
question about downcase a whole document that could have been done within
LyX with a little script).




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