I'm stymied. A report that compiled before now throws an error when I try to preview it (using psdvi) or compile it (using pdflatex).
The error is "Class scrreport Error: undefined old font command '\sc'" and it is found in a bibliographic reference: {\sc Adamus, P.R., Clairain, E.J., Jr., Smith, R.D., \& Young, R.E.} 1987. You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme ... However, the reference database (managed by kbibtex) has this entry: @techreport{Adamus1987, abstract = {This manuai outlines a wetland Evaluation Techniaue (WET) for the assessment of wetland functions and values (WET) is a revision of the method developed for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that has often been referred to as the "Federal Highway Method" or the "Adamus Method". ... author = {Adamus, P.R. and Clairain, E.J., Jr. and Smith, R.D. and Young, R.E.}, institution = {US Army Corps of Engineers}, keywords = {wetlands, evaluation, functions, method}, pagetotal = {269}, subtitle = {Vol. II: Methodology}, title = {Wetland Evalulation Technique (WET)}, year = {1987} } There is no '\sc' in the entry. The kbibtex file settings have Encoding set to UTF-8. Looking at the entire error report _all_ references are preceeded by the '\sc' font command, but they don't show up in the database. Where might these error originate? Regards, Rich -- lyx-users mailing list lyx-users@lists.lyx.org http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users