I would like to have LyX preview LilyPond scores inserted by means of the 
lyLuaTeX package [1], much the same way we can already do with the LilyPond 
Book module [2], i.e. I would like LyX to display scores like the one present 
in p.6 of the lyLuaTeX documentation [3].

I wrote a module (attached) that allows me to insert a LilyPond environment as 
provided by lyLuaTeX (see the attached example -- one needs to enable Document, 
Settings..., Formats, Allow running external programs for it to work) that 
generates a correct PDF, but I don't know how to make LyX preview the score.

Thanks for any help. Best regards,


[1] https://ctan.org/pkg/lyluatex
[2] https://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/NewInLyX20#lb
[3] http://linorg.usp.br/CTAN/support/lyluatex/lyluatex.pdf

Attachment: lyluatex.module
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lyLuaTeX.lyx
Description: Binary data

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