The easiest way to set margins is in Layout->Document->Paper. If you need to
use the commands, then here are some stabs:

> In the User Guide, I found:
> setlength{hoffset}{-0.5 in} 
> setlength{voffset}{-0.5 in}

Did you type setlength... or \setlength? Did you type voffset or did you type
> LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
>               s
>    etlength{voffset}{-0.5 in}
> You're in trouble here. Try typing <return> to proceed.
> If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit.

Did you omit an '\' for \setlength in the preamble, and an '\' for \voffset?
> I also have tried
> \setlength{hoffset}{-0.5 in}  - that gets the error dialog to not look
> as oddly but still does not help.

You would still need an '\' in the braces, as in {\hoffset}

Hope that helps... and welcom to LyX!

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