This may be too special, but here it goes:

I downloded the font Aegean at:

According to the manual, there should be alternative Glyphs available, but I cannot make them appear.

Am I making a grammar mistake or is Aegean simply not compatible with LaTeX?

Kind regards,


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{\fontspec{Aegean}𐀀 𐀁 𐀂 𐀃 𐀄 𐀅 𐀆 𐀇 𐀈 𐀉 𐀊 𐀋 đ€Œ đ€ 𐀎 đ€ 𐀐 𐀑 𐀒 𐀓 𐀔 𐀕 𐀖 𐀗 𐀘 𐀙 𐀚 𐀛}

{\fontspec{Aegean}[StylisticSet=1]𐀀 𐀁 𐀂 𐀃 𐀄 𐀅 𐀆 𐀇 𐀈 𐀉 𐀊 𐀋 đ€Œ đ€ 𐀎 đ€ 𐀐 𐀑 𐀒 𐀓 𐀔 𐀕 𐀖 𐀗 𐀘 𐀙 𐀚 𐀛}

{\fontspec{Aegean}[RawFeature=+ss01]𐀀 𐀁 𐀂 𐀃 𐀄 𐀅 𐀆 𐀇 𐀈 𐀉 𐀊 𐀋 đ€Œ đ€ 𐀎 đ€ 𐀐 𐀑 𐀒 𐀓 𐀔 𐀕 𐀖 𐀗 𐀘 𐀙 𐀚 𐀛}

{\fontspec{Aegean}ΞΕΝΗ ΔΑÎȘΖΩ}

{\fontspec{Aegean}[Style=Alternate]ΞΕΝΗ ΔΑÎȘΖΩ}

{\fontspec{Aegean}[RawFeature=+salt]ΞΕΝΗ ΔΑÎȘΖΩ}


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