
The pdf shows the alignment issue which I cannot resolve. I tried to understand 
the doc of the enumitem package but how to say... Not very easy... 

As you can see the label of the first item, in second level enumerate, is 
shifted to the right ... 

I attach a mwe in lyx as well as the generated tex. 

Here are the lines entered in the preamble: 

\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\textbf{\emph{Q\,\arabic*.}}, % 
labelwidth=30pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt, leftmargin=0pt, % 
labelindent=0pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt} 
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\emph{\alph*)}, % 
labelwidth=10pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt,leftmargin=30pt,% 
labelindent=30pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt} 

Thanks for your help. 


Attachment: test_enumerate.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: test_enumerate.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

%% LyX created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\newlength{\lyxlabelwidth}      % auxiliary length 

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.

\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\textbf{\emph{Q\,\arabic*.}}, labelwidth=30pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt, leftmargin=0pt, labelindent=0pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}                                
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\emph{\alph*)}, labelwidth=10pt, align=left, labelsep*=2pt,leftmargin=30pt, labelindent=30pt, itemindent=!, listparindent=0pt}




\section*{Essai custum enumerate}

\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]
\item \lipsum[1][2-4]

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