> On Dec 22, 2020, at 9:34 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck <rikih...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On 12/22/20 4:58 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a series of 
>> new ‘open” journals which use a different Tex format than other IEEE 
>> journals.
>> A superficial inspection shows that the main difference is that the abstract 
>> and index terms span the entire width of the page whereas the traditional 
>> format confines those elements to a column width in the two-column format.
>> Does anyone know of a LyX layout or template for IEEE open journals?
>> The IEEE LaTex templates are a few clicks away from this text, "IEEE article 
>> templates,” on this page: 
>> https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/
> I do not know, but here's an easy experiment: Copy the IEEEtran.layout
> file into your local LyX layout directory (e.g., $HOME/.lyx/layouts/,
> for me). Now rename it to whatever the name of the new class file is and
> try importing one of their new LaTeX templates. If the changes are as
> minor as you suggest, that should just work. Possibly a few small tweaks
> will be needed, but someone who actually uses this layout will be best
> placed to do that.
> Riki

Relating to my second post in this thread which has not yet shown up in my 
reader, I might have mentioned that the first line of open.tex is this:


Possibly useful.


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