Hello All,

I have searched the archives and googled for information, but I found nothing useful. If I have missed something, please be gentle with me! ;-)

My development setup:

* Linux Mint 19.3 64 bit.
* Lyx 2.2.4 (From the Mint distro, not downloaded.)
* Koma Script Book document class.

I have a book in progress, hopefully to be published "soon". I wrote my previous book in ASCIIDoctor-pdf and it was a total nightmare when the publisher wanted a re-jig of the chapters as the table/figure/listings all had to be manually renumbered. I have some experience with pure LaTeX, but I much prefer Lyx, I get more done that way.

The publisher requires me to number tables and figures as "n.n.n". I have set my Document's modules to "Number tables by section", "Number figures by section".

The book is split into parts and each chapter is a separate file inserted as child documents with include type = "include". Each child has the same options as the master - I have checked.

When I preview a child document, the generated PDF is correctly numbering the tables and figures as "n.n.n: Caption_text", however, when I preview the master document the tables and figures are now "n.n.n.: Caption_text" -- there's an extra dot before the colon.

This problem does not occur if the Standard Book document class is used. However, I do prefer the Koma-script one.

The problem also doesn't occur if I don't use parts. Unfortunately, I need parts.

I have a test case if anyone is interested, but I doubt I'd be allowed to attach it to a list posting, especially as a new subscriber.

Has anyone seen this problem before? If so, did you find a solution?

Thanks in advance.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
27a Lidget Hill
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United Kingdom
LS28 7LG

Company Number: 05132767
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