Am 03.08.21 um 18:12 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
Thanks, Daniel and Herbert for the proposals.
Daniels method works alright, except that it produces Š=Š= at the begin.
I don't know how to get rid of them.

Further Readings
Bünning, E. (1983). The physiological clock. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Heidelberg Science Library. Springer New York. Forger, D. B. (2017). Biological clocks, rhythms, and oscillations - The theory of biological timekeeping. MIT Press.

I might need to use the way Herbert recommended:
define keys in the bib-data file to get different bibliographies, e.g. for one entry data:
  keywords = {second},
  author =....
Can this be done in the options box of the Biblatex Generated Bibliography in LyX? I must play with it (with [xxx]??). It is not well described in the LyX help file.

The keywords must be part of the bibliography data file. Look into the source
of biblatex-examples.bib, it is part of your local TeX distribution.
Attached is a LyX file wihich uses the already defined keyword "primary"


I also tried to use two Biblatex Generated Bibliography behind each other. The first one contains the bibliography of all the references (AUX2.bib). The second one contains only the recommended literature, which are in another bib file (AUX3.bib). The pdf output does not show any references.

Would be nice to have an example file in LyX which explains -shows the way of getting two biblatex Bibiographies.


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Attachment: TwoBib.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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