On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 11:28:59AM -0500, Shawn Koons wrote:
> Thank you for your response, but I need a little clarification. (I am not
> a programmer, so excuse the dumb question.)
> When I made a new file titled "~/.lyx/bind/emacs.bind" -- I typed in
> literally the same characters as you have listed below. After I wrote the
> file and reconfigured LyX, I closed the program, then re-opened it. When I
> tried to use the bindings, nothing worked. I must be missing something.

Firstly, make a copy of /usr/share/lyx/bind/emacs.bind to your ~/.lyx/bind
as the file named my_bindings.bind:

cp /usr/share/lyx/bind/emacs.bind ~/.lyx/bind/my_bindings.bind

Now, add the given lines to it.

\bind "C-x c"                        "word-capitalize"
\bind "C-x l"                        "word-lowcase"
\bind "C-x u"                        "word-upcase"
\bind "M-u"                          "word-upcase"

Then, you need to add the line below to your ~/.lyx/lyxrc:

\bind_file my_bindings

> Is the "C-x" typed in as a Capital "C" followed by a dash "-" followed by
> a lower case "x"? or is the Capital "C" (signifying the "control" key")
> entered in a different way?

C-x means CONTROL-x. Hold down the control key and type "x". Then type "c"
for the function word-capitalize.

Kayvan A. Sylvan                   | Proud husband of      | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.            | Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena
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