On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 08:45:10AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> Still, on my lyx 1.1.6 with cua.bind ctrl-m does the same job. The relevant line
> in cua.sl is
> \bind "C-m"                        "math-mode"
> I suppose for some funny reson, your lyx is configured otherwise.
> Can you enter math-mode with ctrl-m? Do you specifiy some "privat" bindings?
> Do you know, what this "Mark set" means? (If it is a user-mark, which marks a
> point in the text where you can return to with some other command, I would be
> very interested in the function that does this)
> If your cua.sl has the same binding, it might still call a file that
> supersides it. Look for lines like
> \bind_file de_menus.bind
> \bind_file math.bind
> and then in the relevant bind-files.
> Guenter
My apologies, Guenter.  I had been mistaken when I thought that I was using
cua.  It seems that I must exit and restart LyX for a change in binding to 
take effect.  So I was still really using xemacs.bind.  M-m m worked for 
me because it is in math.bind, which xemacs.bind includes.  Once I stopped
and restarted, C-m worked also.

By the way, thanks for the hint!


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