Hello all!

I am a great admirer of LyX, as a writer and translator I just love working 
with it. And now I managed to install 1.1.6fix1 from source on my SuSE 7.1, 
Ilove it! But there's something weird here I think, the sub-menus Import / 
Export are empty, and the preview for ps / dvi are missing. Why id this?
Since I work on two different (Linux) computers in two different places, and 
I haven't been able to work with the same .lyx files between those without 
messing up the files, because the one in my home box is SuSE 7.1 with LyX 
1.1.5fix1, and at work it's Caldera eDesktop 2.4 with the incredibly ugly 
KLyX. Now I'm gonna give it a try to install 1.1.6fix1 on the eDesktop box 
too, even though I have bad experience trying to install non-Caldera packages 
in the Caldera dist.



@~~~ EagleIce ~~~~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~~~ Running SuSE Linux 7.1 ~~~@
@~ Webmaster <http://erin.se> ~~~ <http://www.inspired-leadership.com> ~@

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