compile the file with lualatex and not the line the error is reported on.


On 25/08/2022 17:17, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> On 8/25/22 05:02, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>> I got this warning
>> Missing character: There is no ˜ (U+0098) in font
>> [LibertinusSerif-Italic.otf]:
>> and tried to localize it by exporting the lyx file (Debian,
>> Version 2.4.0dev (noch nicht veröffentlicht)
>> Erstellt aus Git-Revision 53ed3dc0
>> Qt-Version (Laufzeit): 5.15.2 (Plattform: xcb)
>> Qt-Version (bei Erstellung): 5.15.2
>> Python-Aufruf: python3 -tt
>> to latex (LuaTeX), opened it with the text editor bless, used there
>> 'search for ' 0098 as decimal.
>> However, 'The pattern you requested was not found'
>> Any idea what to do?
>> Wolfgang
> It might display as a single character (possibly ~) in your text editor.
> One possibility is a bisection search. Make a copy of the LyX file,
> delete half and try to compile. If you get the error, it's in the half
> you kept; if not, it's in the half you deleted. Iterate until you have
> narrowed the target down to the point where you can spot the offending
> character.
> Paul

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