Thanks a lot, this takes care of it brilliantly. 

> On 28 May 2023, at 01:09, Udicoudco <> wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 8:44 AM R. H. van der Gaag
> <> wrote:
>> I write most of my longer copy using the (beautiful and eminently readable) 
>> Tufte Book and Tufte Handout document class. One advantage of this is that 
>> footnotes are displayed as margin notes. If a note is added near the bottom 
>> of the page, though, this causes the note text to extend beyond the lower 
>> edge of the main text column. Obviously, the note should either scoot 
>> upwards, enough for its last line to land at the same vertical position as 
>> the main text column’s last line, or the note should break off at that 
>> vertical position, and continue on the next page. But I don’t know how to 
>> accomplish this.
> Tufte Book uses \marginpar for all the sidenotes, footnotes etc., so
> you can use the package marginfix to automatically adjust the vertical
> placement of a side note. I don't know if someone wrote a package to
> allow page breaks in \marginpar but that would be interesting.
> Attached is an example file, this is the first page of the example
> file of Tufte Book that is shipped with LyX, written by
> Jason Waskiewicz, and edited slightly to demonstrate the package 
> functionality.
> Please read the documentation of the package for further details.
> Regards,
> Udi
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