On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 08:38:54AM -0700, Tim Garrett wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Here’s a video showing how it slows down
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jtfm92l11orb9254xsz5z/Screen-Recording-2023-11-14-at-7.50.08-AM.mov?rlkey=fzk7aaycqabgul55ipun4ste5&dl=0
> I don’t experience this issue on any other application, including Word or 
> Overleaf.
> Thanks again
> Tim

Thanks, that screencast is very helpful.

Another follow-up question. If you save the document and reopen it, then
are things faster (at the beginning before the problem is triggered
again)? I'm trying to figure out whether the problem is due to the
number of characters you've typed versus the number of characters
present in the document.

Also, can you copy/paste the information in LyX > About ?


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