Am 13.01.24 um 15:57 schrieb Neal Becker:
Here is a mwe of the New PX problem.

There is _no_ such  problem with current up-to-date TL2023.


On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 9:33 AM Neal Becker <> wrote:

    On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 3:15 PM Christopher Menzel
    <> wrote:

        On Jan 12, 2024, at 9:03 AM, Neal Becker <>
        I'm writing another paper for IEEE conference.  I'm using
        lualatex to
        produce pdf.

        In document/settings/fonts, I'm set to using all defaults. If
        I don't
        check 'use non-TeX fonts', the output looks good. If I do
        check 'use
        non-TeX fonts', the fonts look much thinner and to my eye not
        pleasing.  Again I have not changed any font settings from

        And that’s why they don’t look good. You need to choose one
        from the drop-down list. The problem with using non-TeX fonts
        is that there might not be a corresponding math font. One that
        does have a math font and that looks quite nice is Cambria. If
        you are using MacOS or Windows you should have it on your
        machine if you’ve installed Office 365 or a standalone of any
        of the usual Microsoft applications. To get the corresponding
        math font once you’ve selected Cambria from the drop-down, add
        the following to the preamble:

        \setmathfont{Cambria Math}

        If you’re using Linux, there are instructions to be found on
        the interwebs for installing the Microsoft fonts Cambria,
        Calibri, and Consolas. They are extracted from the old
        PowerPoint Viewer, which Microsoft released for free and hence
        (so I recall gathering from discussions in various forums) can
        be extracted and used legally.

        Is there a recommended alternative set of fonts?

        For TeX fonts, I really like New PX
        <>, a descendent of
        Palatino with a very nice math font. Add the following to your
        preamble (and select “Default” from the drop-down font list):


        Vastly superior aesthetically to the long outdated (but still,
        sadly, oft-used) Computer Modern default.

        Chris Menzel

    I just tried out the New PX alternative.  It looks good except for
    one strange problem.  In the top of the paper is author name and
    authormark.  Authormark (1 author) will be an asterisk.  With CM
    the asterisk is in the normal position, but with New PX the
    asterisk is about the middle of the text height, not in a
    superscript position.  Since this is right at the top of the paper
    and glaringly obvious I don't think I can use it.

/Those who don't understand recursion are doomed to repeat it/

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