On Sun, May 05, 2024 at 12:00:06PM GMT, Andreas Plihal via lyx-users wrote:
> Hi,
> the compilation of lyx files is repeatedly interrupted (apparently at
> random). A window "LyX: Stop command?" appears. Then you can either
> stop or continue compiling. It is not clear to me when and why this
> interruption occurs. Its appearance cannot be controlled by me.
> Please can you help me?

I believe it (should be) at a deterministic time, not random.

And I don't think compilation is actually interrupted, it just feels like it 
is. That is, during the dialog, I believe the code is still running.

All that said, I personally would be in favor of removing the dialog, now that 
the user can cancel the process at anytime on their own (this didn't use to be 
possible). I think we had a discussion about that but I forgot how others felt 
about it.


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