* George De Bruin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010523 18:12]:
> On Wednesday 23 May 2001 06:56, Baruch Even wrote:
> > Hopefully in the future we will have an embedded scripting language in LyX
> > and features like this one will be implementable with it. This will
> > satisfy the feature-bloat proponents and the feature-bloat opponents, you
> > will be able to use such features if you want and you will be able to
> > disable the scripting language altogether if you dont want any of this.
> Even better: you will be able to chose which extension packages you want to 
> use with LyX, if any!  I can see a great deal of power in this...  For 
> example having a scipt that lets me query a database, build and sort a table 
> and insert the results in LyX in a single step.  Certainly this could be done 
> with the many tools available under Unix, however it's certainly going to be 
> more complicated than desirable in some situations (such as building 
> invoices, bills, etc.)

You can do this now with the External Inset, the only problem is that
you need to create the LaTeX code yourself for the included data. The
External inset allows you to run a script of your own choice, in your
language of choice and to emit the latex code needed for your needs.

> Of course there are many more examples where a scripting language would be 
> useful, but I won't get into them. :)

Some of them can use the External Inset, though it is a wish list item
that the developers themselves are pondering and intend to work on, in a
future version, an initial proof of concept was written and shelved
until a more appropriate time, so there is still hope to see your
favourite wish-list item implemented.

Baruch Even

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