Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 10:39 schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:
> >>>>> "EagleIce" == EagleIce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> EagleIce> Will we be informed to this list when and where we
> EagleIce> eventually can download the package?
> Yes, however, Tortsten found out that the RH packages work well for
> him, so we are not sure whether the Suse packages are really
> needed... Of course, if it turns out they are needed, I'll upload
> them and tell the list about it.
> JMarc
I always get error messages when installing the RH-binary on my SuSE
7.0 (but the program itself seems to run well).
Apart from this, I have noticed that there are big differences between
SuSE 7.0. and 7.1. I have rebuilt a SuSE 7.1 RPM from the src.rpm (on
my desktop), but it doesn't install on SuSE 7.0 (on my laptop).
Unfortunately I can't build a 7.0 RPM, because my laptop has too less
free disk space :-(, so I would be happy if there _would_ be RPMs for
SuSE 6.4/ 7.0 _and_ 7.1