On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 02:48:21PM +0200, Beyer, Marcus wrote:
> Dear LyX-Users,
> I would like to try some other fonts like "Garamond"
> and "Gill". I have the font "Garamond" in both
> PostScript and TrueType flavours. 
> Which one (PS or TT) is easier/better to use with LyX?
> I am using LyX 1.1.6fix1 on NT4 with pdfLaTeX (MiKTeX).

Well, I can't speak for your setup, because I am using Linux with RedHat
7.1, but since I have been banging my head against this question in
regard to TrueType fonts, I would have to say Postscript, not because it
is necessarily better, but because it is easier.  Though it is
theoretically possible to make TeX/LaTeX know and understand about
TrueType fonts, I, despite tracking down everything I could find about
how to do so, did not succeed in getting it to work properly.
So I threw in the towel, converted my desired fonts into Postscript, and
installed the Postscript fonts.

The thing was....
XWindows knew and understood about my TrueType fonts.
Ghostscript knew and understood about my TrueType fonts.
But Tex didn't.  (I think there was a problem in the bowels of dvips or
something like that).

So I used the script ttf2type1 (which calls the program ttf2pt1)
to convert the fonts, and then the package
to install the fonts into TeX.
(no, I can't remember where I downloaded them from -- try
<http://www.ctan.org> or do a search at <http://www.google.com>)

But all of this could be completely irrelevant, since you are using a
different operating system (NT4 rather than Linux) and a different
version of TeX (MiKTeX rather than teTeX).

Kathryn Andersen
Things are gradually falling into place -
                                on top of me!
 _--_|\     | Kathryn Andersen          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/      \    |   <http://www.katspace.com>
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