
I use Lyx on my desktop, and it runs fine. But now I need to use it on my
laptop. But the problem is that when I run Lyx, and open some file, I get
notified that I don't have the Times font. I read some of the archived
mails, and succeeded in changing my default screen font to Fixed (which
looks nicer than Utopia on my laptop), but I would be very happy to know
if someone could tell me how to add the times font to my computer...

Xlsfonts tells me that I have adobe-utopia, but not times, be it in adobe
or any other kind.

So how can I install the times font and all its derivatives ? Are there
some files to download and then link to my Xserver with "xset -fp" ?



P.S. I use SUSE 7.1, both on my desktop and laptop, so I don't understand
why I don't have the Times font on my laptop, and why I have Utopia, which
should be rarer than Times...

  Yann Le Du                      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Theoretical Physics             Web   : http://cdfinfo.in2p3.fr/~ledu/
  1, Keble Road
  University of Oxford
  Oxford, OX1 3NP                 Phone : (44) (0)1865 273 989
  United Kingdom                  Fax   : (44) (0)1865 273 947

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