Cheers! Herbert got the solution! For all Lyx users who want their footnote indentation to look like this:
1 bla bla bla bla bla bla
   bla bla bla.
2 bla.
For Lyx 1.1.5 (I tested) write in latex preamble: 
\setlength{\myFootnoteLabel}{1.2em} % you can change the number if you like
  \noindent\makebox[\myFootnoteLabel][r]{\@makefnmark\ }%
For Lyx 1.1.6 (AFAIK Herbert tested) it should be enough to write in latex preamble:
\setlength{\myFootnoteLabel}{1.2em} % you can change the number if you like
\renewcommand{\@makefntext}[1]{ %
  \noindent\makebox[\myFootnoteLabel][r]{\@makefnmark\ }%
  \parbox{\columnwidth -\myFootnoteLabel}{#1}%
And the former problem that a footnote appeared on the next page is solved, too.
Additionally, AFAIK, footnotes aren't split anymore.
Maybe Herbert takes this solution on his website?! :-)
Thanks again!

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