* Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001-08-15 14:45] schrieb:
> Ronny Buchmann wrote:
> > single line paragraph describing the list
> > 
> > * item
> > * item
> > * item
> > ---------
> > now it happens that latex puts a pagebreak between the text line and the list, how 
>can i avoid this?
> > i think the paragraph should be treated as a section heading but without special 
>formatting, but i dont if this right and how to do it :(
> - cursor in the single line and than
>   layout->paragraph->pagebreak before
not so nice and only for final document

> or
> - mark the above lines with the cursor and than
>   layout->paragraph->extra->minipage
>   with a width of 100%
> a minipage can't have a pagebreak, so all gets on the
> next page
this sounds good

> or
> - if you have enough space on the current page, than
>   \enlargethispage{2cm} for example
list is too long, and would also be only for final document


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