Arnd Geldermann wrote:
> I am using lyx 1.1.6 fix 1 and the textstyle "book".
> To manage the bibliography i am useing bibtex with the package "natbib"
> in order provide the havard-method.
> The citation appears in the following way (Jones 1996) or (Jones and
> Parker 2000). In that case the citation could become
> very long. I tried different styles like the german "natdin" or "
> apalike" or "plainnat" in very case i got some citations with a
> line overun. In the file "cite.sty" i got the information, that a
> linebreak is only forced by dash or komma not by blank.
> Does anybody know, if there a workaround for this problem?

try style abbrvnat 



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