>>In a message dated: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 17:06:27 +0200
>>"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" said:
>>>AFAIR, latex2html offers similar functionality,
>>>you can check the doc.
>>>Apart from CSS use, you may also try server side includes, or even
>>>simple embedding of the html code produced by latex2html
>>>in a mask written in Perl.
>>Well, we did the "embedding" once before, but manually.  This proved 
>>to be quite a tedious and time consuming task, which we'd rather not 
>>repeat.  I suppose we could script the process, but this type of task 
>>seems like the type of thing that latex2html should  be able to do
>>(it's just a matter of figuring out how :)

Well, the latexonly and htmlonly environments allow
to deal pretty well with what's specific to paper layout
and to electronic publishing. You may control everything
from the latex source by \inputting the same html mask
in every original document.

Moreover, if you have a look at the latex2html Perl variables
and subroutines, you may easily improve also the navigation facilities
(if you want to split up your document, which is a good idea
for web publishing) to include header and footer.
The $ADDRESS variable allows also to set a footer in each page.
I guess the the more recent versions have supplementary stuff
available (I use 99 here).

To customize, I copy the .latex2html-init in the working dir
and tune everything from there, doing some  hoem made perl postprocessing
when needed (I happened to find out in the doc that the function 
DID exist :-).


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