OK, relax and take a deep breath. Take the 
original .eps that was working, insert it in a brand new LyX file, and see if 
it exhibits the problems in that new file. If so, try to find out if the .eps 
file itself changed (backup copies?). If not, exploit the differences between 
the two files until you find the root cause.

If you want, you can send me the .eps -- I'll LyXize it with 1.1.6fix1 and 
send you the resulting Postscript file and you can see if my setup's doing it 


Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.

On Monday 17 September 2001 02:31, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> Now I am fully screwed.  One figure that was displaying/printing just fine
> as an eps file is now, magically, also being inappropriately cropped.  Two
> figures are unusable to me because ps2epsi is inappropriately cropping them
> - and no matter what I do to the bounding box numbers in the actual eps
> files, they remain cropped.
> On Wednesday 19 September 2001 12:10 pm, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Did you tried with another image ?
> >
> > If your image contains tricky postscript instrictions (as page break) the
> > output can be very strange...
> >
> >     Yannick

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