Dear fellow lyxers,

Is there a function to exit math mode that I can bind to a key?

Detailed explanation:

What I want to do is making the key Ctrl-comma to insert a small space
(\, in LaTeX) and to show as a small space in LyX. I can achieve this with

  \bind "C-comma"  "math-insert ,"

but then I remain in math-mode and have to press ESC (or Space or an Arrow
key) to go back to text-mode.

If there where a function to leave the math-mode, called EXIT_MATH, say, I
could do the following to achieve my purpose: 

  \bind "C-comma"  "command-sequence math-insert ,; EXIT_MATH ;"

It would work for TeX-mode,

  if I call tex-mode repeatedly, it toggles between tex and text mode,
  however, if I do the same with math-mode, it goes to text-in-formula,

unfortunately I would have \, in ERT in my LyX-GUI instead of the nice red
small space when using math-insert.



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