"M. B. Schiekel" wrote:
> Hallo,
> here are some hyperref-newbe-questions, I cannot find out by the
> manuals:
> in Latex-preamble I have:
> \usepackage[dvipdfm, colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue, linktocpage%
>    ,bookmarks, pdfpagemode=None, pdftitle={...}]{hyperref}
> 1. In hyperref-manual I donīt find (or donīt see), whatī s the meaning
> of the īlinktocpageī parameter.
> 2. I use the hyperref-macro:  \href{http://www.xxx.org/}{}
> and get a blue link in the pdf-file, but when I click on this link in
> Acroread-4.0-Plugin in Netscape, nothing happens.
> 3. with package endnotes I made my footnotes to endnotes, thatīs fine,
> but how to make the footnote-no into a hyperlink to the matching
> footnote (=endnote)?

have a look at




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