Andre Poenitz wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 10:07:33AM -0500, Christian Sandmann wrote:
>>I was wondering if anybody has experiences to run Lyx with the new MAC
>>OS X. OS X is based on Unix so I would guess it should be possible but I
>>have no idea how to install and to compile it. Any idea?
> Does Mac OS X  have an X server?

No! it runs Aqua on top of darwin. (and Aqua is a much nicer environment 
than X...)

> Andre'

Using fink-tools and their X-Server for OsX (sorry, I don't have the URL 
ready, ask google or find your way via LyX is 
compilable and runs as well, though I like it much better in Linux (PPC).

Integration of latex and all the ps-stuff is much more seamless in 
linux. Interaction and sahring data between Aqua and X is a bit strange 
in OsX..

Have fun


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