Kent Kostuk wrote:

> I am extremely happy with my LyX install on a Win2000 laptop.  It has gone
> almost as smoothly as possible.  The only problem I am having is with bibtex
> stuff.
> When I try to export a PDF file I get one error box with a bunch of lines in
> it say something like
> "Warning: Citation 'some citation' on page 4 undefined on input"
> I don't understand why this is happening.  I have my bst in the same
> director as my lyx file.  The dir structures are essentially the same as on
> my Linux system where the lyx files were originall created.
> Does anyone have any pointers?

Maybe it has something to do with the differences between Linux and 
Windows in the handling of new lines. Did you try running "unix2dos" on 
the .bib file?

> Thanks
> Kent Kostuk

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