On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Paul Benham wrote:
> > 
> > I have been using Lyx since version 1.0. I am now on the latest 1.1.6fix3.
> > When I try to insert an index, the index button in the document is flat
> > looking. When I preview the document the index is not there. What am I doing
> > wrong? I am using Mandrake 8.0.
> seems to be another problem which depends to your text. what does the
> view->logfile says?
> Herbert
> -- 
Hello Paul,

If I remeber correctly, this is a bug caused by the Mandrake Compiler 
(gcc 2.96.??). 

You can work around this if you do the following:

1. Open document in LyX and view as PS
2. Without closing the PS-document open a schell and change to
3. Look for a file ending in .idx: do a find . -name "*.idx"
4. copy said file into the same directory as your LyX-file
5. run makeindex yourfilename.idx - for details check man makeindex - you 
can do some fancy stuff this way.
6. include the output into your LyX-document and throw out the index-tag

If you change your index you have to redo the procedure. 

I also believe that RedHat 7.1 showed the same problem, but the SuSE 7.2
distrubution worked fine in this regard.

Hope this helpes,


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