Am 02.12.01, 14:51:45, schrieb Herbert Voss 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> zum Thema Re: How to open LyXTips.tgz:

> should be no problem with

> tar -xvzf LyXTips.tgz

Am 02.12.01, 15:31:44, schrieb ABe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> zum Thema 
Re: How to open LyXTips.tgz:

> just tipe tar -zxvf LyXTips.tgz

Thanks for giving me the correct command to run on LyXTips.tgz.

I am running SuSE Linux 7.2. Either input yields the following error 

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data—format violated
tar: Kindprozeß gab Status 1 zurück
tar: Fehler beim Beenden, verursacht durch vorhergehenden Fehler


I just would like to say that this is the first archive ever I am not 
able to open. I have never had any difficulties working with archives.

As all my archivers cannot cope with the LyXTips.tgz there is probably 
something wrong with the archive I have downloaded last night.

Could it be that the problem is due to the fact that I made the download 
working with Windows? My box has a winmodem only. So I have no access to 
the internet from my Linux system. I have to download the file with 
Windows, then copy it to the Linux partition in KDE File Manager to run 

If this is so I think you should change the compressing format to simple 
*.zip which can be decompressed with Windows software anyway. After all 
LyX is available for Windows too.


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