I find grace works pretty well for this sort of thing.


On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Rich Shepard wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Kent Kostuk wrote:
> > Instead of me blindly trying out a bunch of packages, I thought I would
> > see what other LyX users are using. I want to include a series of graphs
> > in my thesis. I have tables of data for some of the data, and for others
> > I have the function.  What is the recommended tool? In the bad old days
> > I used Excel and crossed my fingers that everything would import into
> > Word.
> Kent,
>   Take a look at the Gri plotting language <http://gri.sourceforge.net>. Dan
> wrote this package before he was aware of gnuplot. I've used both, and can
> tell you that GRI is much more comprehensive and better documented by orders
> of magnitude.
>   Anyway, you can plot your data however is most appropriate and end up with
> a PostScript file. There are many tools (including ImageMagick) that will
> transform the .ps file into a .eps file for inclusion within your document.
> Rich
> Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
>                        Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
>             2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
>  + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                          http://www.appl-ecosys.com

rpinna    |"Sometime in the next 10,000 years 
@civil.uwa|   A comet's going to wipe out all trace of man, I'm
.edu.au   |banking on it coming before my end of year exams." TISM 1995

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