>>From: Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Proceedings
>>Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 22:35:39 -0500
>>This is basically a LaTeX question, so I do apologize. But I could 
>>not find a LyX solution for this problem.
>>I have to edit the proceedings of a conference. I already imported 
>>all the papers (normally written in Word) into LyX. I would like to 
>>obtain something like a series of "reports" (meaning the LaTeX 
>>report class, each with an independent page for title). 
>>But I cannot write
>>because there would be several "begin-end document"  cycles. How 
>>can i deal with this kind of books? is there a LyX solution to deal 
>>with proceedings? I would not like to prepare a big file for all 
>>the articles, because this would be definitely huge, and also this 
>>would not make things with title and so on easier.
>>Many thanks for you kind help,

If you create a separate lyx document for each "report", you
will be able to get all the stuff from one master document
with Insert->Include file (as many times as needed).

In that way, you may check each separate subdocument, and still be
able to build  up the whole doc without editing anything.
This is easier with LyX than with plain LateX (unless you
use AucTex or similar editing environment).

As a by-product, Export as Latex from the master will create as
many latex files without the preambles, that you may play with
separately (this is not needed IMHO, tex2pdf e.g. works fine from the LyX
master document).

Hope this helps.


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