I´m using the "book (koma-script)"-style  and the fancyhead-package to
create nice headers and
footers (have a look at  http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~hfst/tex/fancyhdr/
for further
For the bibliography I´m using Sixpacks bibtex features. Though you can
organize your literature
very easily and intuitive. Importing from Windows-Endnote-data is also

This should fit the needs of german universities.


I am looking for lyx layout, so that students can use Lyx to write there
       'Diplomarbeit' (thesis). The CU-Thesis package's layout of title
page etc.
       isn't in a form that is suitable at German Universities. Does
anybody have
       any layout or any preambel settings for an existing layout?

       Best Regards

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