Torsdag 17. januar 2002 13:58, skreiv Ben Logan:
> I tried this, and changed the Margin line to be "Static" instead of
> "Right_Address_Box".  It did in fact move the address to the left
> within LyX, but the DVI rendering is still on the right.  Would I have
> to change the .cls file that Matej was talking about in order to
> change the output?

Oops I'm sorry, my fault. I didn't check it thoroughly enough :(

It seems that the from-address are controlled by the letter.cls.

So we'll change that as well:
(I want to remind you that it is always  nice to take a clean copy of these 
files before changing them)
open "/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/letter.cls" 
First go to line 231 and change \raggedleft to \raggedright.

Now the from address is fimly placed to the left side.
(at least it is with me, remember that the lyx file has to be aligned to the 
left as well, or you get a heap of errors)

That was the easy bit, now you need to detach the date, if you still want the 
date on the right side of the letter:

>From line 233:
 "\@date \end{tabular}\par}%"
remove \@date

insert as new line 234 and 235:
\@date \par }%

Hope this helps.

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