Vince Alkire wrote:

>       Thank you for the demo file, it would not run through latex due to
> a missing file (carom.sty). However I was able to reproduce the effect

uups, that my fault. Delete it from the layout->preamble.
should not be there, it was another example.


> well enough. The problem is that I need two(2) enumerate lists side by
> side per lyx file that follows. Note that one is numerals the other is
> alpha style list. It seems the problem is breaking up the lists. This is a
> matching exercise by a high school math teacher that spends to much time
> fighting ms-word and very much likes the math features of lyx. Thanks
> everyone for all the help so far.

ok, than write the \begin{minipage} ... \end{minipage}
in tex (red)
I don't understand your example. have a look at the attached file
than you'll see that the use of minipages are still possible..


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article

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\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
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\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Enumerate

this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first
\layout Enumerate

this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first
\layout Enumerate

this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first
\layout Enumerate

this is the first 
\layout Enumerate

minipage this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the
 first minipage this is the
\layout Enumerate

first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first minipage 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Enumerate

And this the second one 
\layout Enumerate

And this the second one And this the second one And this the second one
 And this the se
\layout Enumerate

this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first
\layout Enumerate

this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first
\layout Enumerate

this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first
\layout Enumerate

this is the first 
\layout Enumerate

minipage this is the first minipage this is the first minipage this is the
 first minipage this is the
\layout Enumerate

first minipage this is the first minipage this is the first minipage 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 


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